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62e congrès annuel de la Renaissance Society of America

The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America

Boston, 31 March–2 April 2016

Park Plaza Hotel and Hynes Convention Center

Site web






Boston College

Brandeis University | Dean of Arts and Sciences

Harvard University | Division of Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Arts and Sciences | Department of English

Samuel H. Kress Foundation

Tufts University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences | The Tomasso Family Fund; Professor Vincent Pollina, Curator | Tufts University | The Center for the Humanities at Tufts (CHAT) | Department of Art and Art History | Department of Drama and Dance | Department of English | Department of History | Department of Music

University of Massachusetts Boston

University of Massachusetts Lowell

Wellesley College | Medieval/Renaissance Studies Program

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Andrea Martignoni (14 mars 2016). 62e congrès annuel de la Renaissance Society of America. L'Humanisme européen . Consulté le 20 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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